Am I Being Emotionally Abused?
Am I being emotionally abused?
And how would I know? Often in our society we really don’t take it seriously. Especially in media, red flags for power and control are repackaged as love and devotion.
So knowing if what you are experiencing is emotional abuse.. How can we do that?
I recommend starting here…Trust. Your. GUT!
This may seem oversimplified…. but ask yourself this…do you feel something is off? Do you go with things because its “easier”? Does your partner dismiss you as “you’re so sensitive” or flat out deny, or twist things around so you question your reality?
Other gut check questions! Do you feel like you cant do anything right? Or like everything is your fault? Or you cant trust yourself? Like you’re walking on eggshells? Always anxious?
These are all red flags for emotional abuse.
If your partner insults and criticizes and humiliates you over and over and makes it out like a joke or tells you you’re being too sensitive or that you deserve it. Red flag.
If your go with things because you feel its easier, or your scared to say no. Red Flags
If you are scared of your partner and feel something is wrong. Red flags
Think of it this way. Emotional abuse is a pattern of power and control. So if someone, your partner, family member, boss, whoever, is using things like insults, threatening gestures, humiliation, or other tactics to hurt you emotionally. That’s emotional abuse.
My non profit also as a quiz you can take to break this stuff down in greater details.
Biggest takeaway for this stocking stuffer. Do you feel something is wrong? Trust. Your. Gut!
If you need more information, we created a free tool to help survivors and allies identify warning signs of emotional abuse: QUIZ
This Blog is also available as a podcast: Spotify
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